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Free Training Starts In:
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Unlock the secret behind...

"My simple coaching app that generates $19,540 per month...

...even though no one's ever heard of me"

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Thursday June 30 2024, 6PM CET

Starts in # days, # hours and # minutes

This live webinar is for:

Course Creators

This works for:

Tech Wizards
Offline Businesses
Online Businesses
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Meet the speaker

Dan has launched over 10,000+ apps and online programs with his team at since 2018.

After working closely on dozens of 7-figure launches, Dan has boiled down the secrets to success into an easy to follow system

Dan wants to help as many people as possible achieve positive impact and grow their business. In this free live training on Thursday May 23rd, he will share the 3 success secrets behind’s most successful coaches and creators... And how you can follow in their footsteps.

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We'll reveal these groundbreaking secrets:

How to get 10 high-paying clients in The next 14 days
...whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting from scratch
How to create your own cash generating app
...without any technical hassle and breaking the bank
How to get a consistent flow of strangers into your app
...without spending your life on social media or any money on ads
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Success Stories

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Customer Reviews

Over 10,000 Creators have worked with to scale their businesses. Read the reviews here


When is the live training?

Thursday May 23rd

  • 9AM (PST - LA time)
  • 12PM (EST - NYC time)
  • 5PM (BST - London time)
  • 6PM (CET - Berlin time)

How can I attend?

This is a virtual live workshop. Once you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your access link, and you’ll be able to add the event to your calendar.Make sure to save the date! This is a one-off event only.

Who is this for?

Anyone looking to monetize their knowledge or skills online, such as coaches, creators, course creators, teachers, agencies and more.

The systems and strategies Dan outlines in this training works for everyone, whether you: have an existing offline business, or are already online and are looking to grow further.

Do I need to be technical to launch my own app?

Not at all! The steps and systems Dan breaks down in this training are designed to be easy for even the biggest techno-phobes.

In secret 2, Dan will reveal exactly how you can launch your own profitable cash-generating app without any tech hassle or breaking the bank!

Can I see some examples?

Dan has packed this training with dozens of case studies, and you can check out the testimonials on this page to see just a tiny portion of the success stories that followed this system.

What if I don’t have many social media followers?

This will work regardless of how many followers you have. We’ve seen countless success stories in our community from coaches and creators with less than 5k followers.

In secret 3, Dan breaks down an incredible case study from someone who had less than 5k followers, but went on to use this system to earn $150k in one weekend!

What if I can’t attend live?

If you sign up on this page, we’ll send over a recording of the session after the event to your email inbox. However we recommend attending live if you can, as you’ll be able to get your questions answered directly by Dan - and we have a special surprise for those who attend live.

Can I see some examples?

Dan has packed this training with dozens of case studies, and you can check out the testimonials on this page to see just a tiny portion of the success stories that followed this system.

What do I need for this training?

We highly recommend that you join on your laptop and make sure you have a stable internet connection. Also come prepared to take notes on the game-changing insights you’ll learn in this free training. That’s it!

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