Allowing members to message you and to message each other within your communities are two of our new features that will enable you to take communication with your community members to the next level. 

Over 66% of users feel more confident about their purchases when a brand is available via messages. 

Having this in mind, we wanted to enable you to connect better with your community members. 

That’s why we’re adding two new updates to our community feature: 

  • Allowing members to message you directly
  • Allowing members to message each other. 

Let’s see how to set them up and what are some possible use cases. 

Allow members to message you directly 

You can now choose if you want your clients to message you directly in your app. Answer all their questions in your app—no need for additional chat apps. 

How to enable this feature in your app? 

Setting this up is very simple and it only takes a few steps. 

Step 1

In your app, enter the community section and choose the community you want your members to message you. Tap on it and click Edit. 

💡You can also create a new community by clicking the “+” sign at the upper right corner. The upcoming steps are the same in this case too. 

Step 2

Then, you’ll get the following screen: 

Notice the “Advanced settings” section. Expand it, and you’ll see two new buttons. 

If you want to allow members of this community to message you, toggle the “Members can message you directly” button. 

Step 3

Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.

And, that’s it—now, the members of this community can send you direct messages.

ℹ️ Once you’ve received a message, you’ll see a notification dot next to the community where your unread messages are. Enter the community and the channel with the message, and you’ll see the member that messaged you and the number of messages you received. 

What can you do with this feature? 

The options are countless. Here are some of them: 

  • Allow your clients to contact you for their concerns, creating a strong bond with them. This will help them feel closer to you as a person. 
  • Offer personalized help at their request. This will make your clients feel taken care of, motivating them to purchase more products from you or recommend you to their community. 
  • Eliminate additional messaging tools and move the entire communication with your clients to your app. 
  • Offer contacting you directly as a selling point for your high-ticket offers, providing guidance and personalized answers to your PRO clients. 

The best thing is that you can turn off this option whenever you’re feeling burnout or want to take a break. 

Allow members to message each other 

Your community members now have an option to chat with each other in your app. Encourage them to motivate and help each other and boost your community's energy.

How to enable this feature in your app? 

Step 1

Like the previous feature, choose the community you want to enable this for, tap on it, and click the Edit button.

💡You can also create a new community by clicking the “+” sign at the upper right corner. The upcoming steps are the same in this case too. 

Step 2

When you see the edit mode on your screen, expand the Advanced settings section: 

Toggle the second button, called “Members can send each other direct messages.” 

Step 3

Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. Now, the members of this community can message each other. 

What can you do with this feature? 

These are just a few of the many ways you can leverage this feature: 

  • Add the ability to communicate with other members as a selling point for your high-ticket plans, highlighting it as community support from other members. 
  • Encourage clients to motivate each other when they are following together one of your programs. 
  • Enable your clients to ask other members for help when they’re struggling. 
  • Assign “group experts” who can offer support to other members when they’re struggling. 

🔎 In case you missed it

This summer, we leveled up our community feature: 


You can now allow community members to message you directly and message each other, taking communication with your clients to the next level. 

We have more updates planned for you very soon! To stay tuned with our product updates, check our PassionFighters Facebook community and your email. To make sure our emails don’t go to your spam folder, check out this video