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"I made $291,462 in just one month with my own coaching app"
Nikki Bianco
Slice Squad
“Launching an app without would have cost thousands and taken ages!”
Tiffany Wilkerson
Tiffany Wilkerson
Results Earned
"Take a leap of faith, trust the process, do the training. With Passion you'll learn so much about sales & building a business"
Ellen Decker
Fit in Twenty

We’re giving power to passion empowers creators of all kinds to earn more doing what they love while having a real and lasting impact on people’s lives.

Our mission

Our mission is to empower creators, teachers, and entrepreneurs to make the world a more confident and passionate place.

Our vision

By 2025, over 60,000 Passion Apps built by creators will have helped over 20 million people around the world lead more confident and passionate lives.

What is

Our platform enables creators to earn a better living and make a bigger impact by combining their expertise, products, and networks to launch their own mobile apps.

The PassionFighters manifesto

PassionFighters are obsessed with impact. They lead people to action.

PassionFighters don’t accept the world as it is today. They never moan or whine about the way things are. They transform it and lead the change.

On Jan 1st, 2019, PassionFighters declared the PassionState – a virtual nation of PassionFighters who fight against the Undead.

The Undead are people filled with fear and insecurity, who work in cubicles... a slave to the rat race and keeping up the Joneses instead of making their dreams a reality.

PassionFighters dream, plan and execute. They turn words into action.

PassionFighters are lifetime learners. They crave improvement and chase action.

A PassionFighter will turn their world upside down to help someone else and always gives more value than they expect to receive.

PassionFighters know that huge impact will lead to huge income.

PassionFighters will never tell you to “get a real job”. They encourage dreams, and do what it takes to make them happen.

PassionFighters share their true self and show vulnerability. They refuse to share a false, filtered life.

PassionFighters are in a passionate state. They are loving, alive, vivid, fulfilled and live life under their terms.

If you ask The Undead, they’ll tell you what PassionFighters are doing is impossible or “couldn’t happen for them”. Yet there are more PassionFighters doing it every single day...

PassionFighters are motivated knowing every day is an opportunity to inspire people with passion, confidence and impact the world.

I am a PassionFighter.

You are a PassionFighter.

We are PassionFighters.

The PassionFighters

Follow your passion.
Impact lives.
Change the world.

Our values


Our success depends on the success of our creators and their customers. We define success by specific outcomes, not by output or face-time, and we deliver high-quality work on time while insisting on the highest standards.


We believe in aiming high, taking on big challenges and pursuing a bold vision to level up our game. We are committed to becoming better versions of ourselves every day, embracing failure as a way to learn fast and continuously improve.


We trust our instincts, speak honestly, and engage in crucial conversations to drive progress. We show empathy towards others, empowering them to share their needs and feelings. And we may disagree at times, but once a decision is made, we commit to it and work together to achieve our goals.


We strive to learn and grow by taking ownership and leading. We prioritize leadership over hierarchy and encourage everyone to take ownership of their work regardless of their job title. We value accountability, reliability, commitment, and intentionality in all that we do.


We understand that our mindset determines our success and we embrace a "can-do" attitude. We believe in self-reflection to unlock the power of our passion and we live in the present moment, recognizing that every moment counts. We believe in fostering a culture of positivity and growth.

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We’re a remote team of 70+ Passioneers from around the world levelling up our skills and becoming the best version of ourselves together.