Having your own app does wonders for your business.
This is not just a pinky promise, we have proof.
In this case study, we're showing you how learning & development coach Nicole skyrocketed her business when she published her own app with Passion.
About Nicole
- Nicole North is a popular Canadian learning & development coach.
- She’s the founder and president of Whiteboard Learning, a company that works with senior executives and L&D professionals.
- She helps clients like Volkswagen, The University of Toronto, and Mitsubishi, develop effective training methods, content, and facilitation that change behaviors and cultures with positive business outcomes.
The Challenge
- She came to Passion with an already established in-person business.
- She wanted to gain a competitive advantage by publishing her own app with all her programs.
The Result
- Nicole's students started using her app as an essential tool to confirm their knowledge after her live workshops.
- She realized that the app became a huge competitive advantage for her business.
- She enjoyed the experience of building her first app so much that she decided to create a second app for one of her clients.
- The two apps generated multi-six figures for her.
Keep reading to see how she achieved these stunning results.
Nicole Wanted Her Own App But Had No IT Expertise
Nicole has facilitated leadership and team-building material, coached leaders, and designed multi-module learning programs for the past ten years.
In 2020, she was doing trainings live, both in-person and virtually. The pandemic inspired her to create a program that would be self-directed. She wanted to give her clients a way to learn at their own pace.
However, she didn’t have any IT expertise and wanted someone to do it for her. She quickly ruled out IT companies because most wanted to charge at least $50,000 to build an app for her.

That’s when she came across Passion — and the rest is history.
The Whiteboard Learning App Was Published in Less Than 30 Days With UltimatePLUS
In January 2021, Nicole found Passion and signed up for our UltimatePLUS plan. With this plan, she got:
- Content migration, tool integration, and an app launch fully done by our team
- Full support throughout the entire app creation process from our dedicated coaches
- Weekly marketing and sales coaching calls
- Unlimited push notifications for her app
Her first app was launched by the end of February! Less than one month after she signed up.